Our “Christmas with Added Sparkle” campaign has been launched with Meeting Needs to help raise money for the fantastic children’s charity Happy Days. The campaign will kick-off during the busy Christmas party booking month of September.
Richard Kadri-Langford the Head of Marketing at Lime Venue Portfolio will be setting off across the country to take on “Three Mountains, Three Meetings, Three Days” Challenge – climbing the 3 highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales
The three peaks in question – Ben Nevis / Beinn Nibheis (1,344 m or 4,409 ft), the highest mountain in Scotland. Scafell Pike (978 m or 3,209 ft), the highest mountain in England. Snowdon / Yr Wyddfa (1,085 m or 3,560 ft), the highest mountain in Wales.
In an added twist, Richard is aiming to conduct three meetings at the peak of each mountain. If any #eventprofs fancy being the other half of my meeting, then all they have to do is meet me there! feel free to email me richard.kadri-lanfgord@limevenueportfolio.com Each meeting is scheduled for 14:00 at the summit of each mountain.
Richard is supporting both Meeting Needs and Happy Days “The idea of supporting a UK based charity whose mission was to provide disadvantaged children with equally great experiences really resonated with me, particularly as a major part of our fundraising efforts resolves around raising money through Christmas party enquiries”
Richard is appealing directly to the events industry “Please support me by either making a corporate or a personal donation to the cause which you can do through this page” http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/RichardKadriLangford