About SEED
SEED is a Voluntary Organisation. We formed in September 2000 in Hull, East Yorkshire, and were known as the Eating Disorder Support Group.
SEED became a Registered Charity in 2004 (Charity No 1108405) and became known as SEED Eating Disorder Support Services (Support and Empathy for people with Eating Disorders in January 2008).
SEED is made up of three co – founders, Trustees, Volunteers of SEED, Supporters of SEED and Gemma Oaten (former Emmerdale Actress) is the Manager and Patron of the Charity.
SEED is a group of ordinary people with firsthand experience of eating disorders, who make a difference to those people whose lives are blighted by this devastating illness.
The aims and objectives of SEE are:
- to support both sufferers and carers in the hope that they do not feel alone with their problems.
- to listen to others sympathetically and sensitively.
- to deal with problems in a professional manner exercising strict confidentiality.
- to empathise with both sufferers and carers in the hope that they are never alone with their problems.
- to hold regular monthly meetings in a relaxed and friendly environment.
- to invite guest speakers in the hope that they will deliver professional help and advice.
- to provide up to date information downloaded from the Internet and website addresses in the hope that members can then conduct their own searches.
- to provide up to date book lists and provide a ‘swap shop’ in the hopes members can shares books they have found helpful.
- to do our very best in helping others receive professional help in the hope that they go on to make a full recovery.
About SEED
Your donations at work
The need
Hospital admissions for eating disorder sufferers have risen by 84% in the last five years and treatment and support for sufferers and carers is inconsistent across the country. Charities like SEED provide an important safe space for those who are vulnerable, delivering Recovery After the Recovery programmes designed to stop relapsing or offering support to those who don’t meet the criteria for support from CAMHS so they don’t reach a crisis point.
In 2022, SEED lost their venue for their support resource room. While they found a replacement, it was a blank canvas space and needed to be adapted to provide the private, safe space that is so important. Safeguarding is paramount to the work of SEED and they must have space for at lesat two team members on site and privacy must be water tight.
The solution
Meeting Needs provided a grant of £5000 to help SEED refit their new venue to provide the private space at their Resource Room.
For more about SEED, see here.