South London CaresMargaret Mann2022-12-01T17:57:22+00:00
About South London Cares
The Cares Family operates five local charities building intergenerational connection to reduce loneliness. South London Cares was founded in 2014 and works in Southwark and Lambeth to reduce loneliness amongst younger and older people alike and build community across the generations.
About South London Cares
Your donations at work
The need
Over recent years the issues of loneliness and isolation amongst older and younger people in our rapidly changing cities have become better understood.
2 in 5 older people say the TV is their main form of company.
17% of older people see friends and family less than once a week.
But loneliness is not just a later life problem. On the contrary – while people over 75 are the loneliest age group in the UK, the second loneliest are people between 21 and 35, and some reports even say they’re the loneliest.
40% of people aged 16-24 say they feel lonely often or very often, compared to 29% of people aged 65-74
3.7m over-16s in Britain often or always feel lonely
Covid-19 has led to an increased sense of disconnection, isolation and loneliness.
The solution
Meeting Needs provided £803.13 to support the Love Your Neighbour friendship programme.
To tackle this growing problem of isolation, the Love Your Neighbour friendship programme will bring older people (65+) together with their younger neighbours (18+) to share one-to-one time through weekly home visits and/or phone calls to create deep and meaningful friendships.