It´s been a while since Jason Worsley of TFI Lodestar did any running so this year´s Royal Parks Half Marathon will need some training. In our series featuring our runners and walkers, Jason (pictured left) says Meeting Needs is the motivation for him:
“It’s been a while since I’ve done any significant running. I used to run marathons and half marathons regularly about 10 years ago, but not so much these days, so I’ve had to persuade my legs that it’s a good idea. I’m not sure they agree but here we are!
“The Royal Parks Half Marathon is an iconic event and was on my radar back in the running years but I never got round to it, so when this opportunity came up I thought: why not…?
“There’s a few of us running from TFI Lodestar, so I’m proud to have some good running mates. I’m not sure how competitive we’ll all be. I guess it depends on how the first 10 miles goes, but I know we’re all keeping an eye on each other’s training regimes on Strava.
Ultimately, it’s great to be one of the many runners representing Meeting Needs and the wider industry. I’m sure we’ll all smash it like the winners we are.”
The Royal Parks Half Marathon is a marvellous event industry gathering in London´s beautiful parks, starting and finishing in Hyde Park. If you would like to join other event professionals and take part in The Royal Parks Half Marathon on Sunday, October 13, 2024 and raise funds for Meeting Needs, please contact
You can sponsor Jason at: