The 10 computers, office equipment and accessories funded by event industry Meeting Needs for Peace Together Uganda’s ICT training centre are delivering real value to the local community in the Pader District.
The 10 computers, office equipment and accessories funded by event industry Meeting Needs for Peace Together Uganda’s ICT training centre are delivering real value to the local community in the Pader District and providing skills to orphans. It is estimated that more than 1000 people – many orphaned by HIV/AIDS and the 22-year war – will benefit from the equipment.
Peace Together Uganda (PTU) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2007 by Rev. Fr. Akena Leonsyo from the Archdiocese of Gulu in Northern Uganda. The organisation serves over 1,800 people in Pader District. PTU is a response to the devastating socio-economic and psychological needs of the people of Northern Uganda inflicted by more than two decades of civil conflict.
Like many parts of Uganda, Pader is faced with a growing numbers of orphans and vulnerable children. They include children orphaned by the long 22 year war and orphans who have lost their loved ones to HIV/AIDS and cared for by extended families, the community, governmental, or non-governmental organizations. These children are forced to live on the streets and have no love, food, shelter, clothing, health care and educational opportunities offered for them.
The ICT Centre is aimed to strengthen learning among the children, youths and the whole community through access to information and business opportunities using Internet. This is done through training and provision of ICT services to more than 1000 people.
Jennifer Jenkins of Meeting Needs said: “This is the kind of project that we like to fund – where a modest amount of money benefits a large number of people and provides benefits over a long period of time.”