A plaque in memory of Meeting Needs former chairman Chris Peacock has been installed at Break Primary School in his memory in the Matetsi region of Zimbabwe following a donation by his family. Chris was a co/founder and director of Conference Care since 1995.

Chris died in 2023 after a short illness. The funding from Chris´s family via Meeting Needs has enabled completion of two new classrooms for 60 children and accommodation for five teachers. The completion of the Break Primary School Classroom Block Project was a collaborative effort between Meeting Needs, Jafuta Foundation and Break Fast Community.

Sipho Moyo, Jafuta´s Community Outreach Director, said: “On behalf of Break Fast Primary School and the entire community, we extend our deepest gratitude to Meeting Needs for your unwavering support and generosity. Your funding has not only addressed immediate infrastructure needs but has also laid the foundation for sustained educational excellence and community development.”

The donation not only completed the classrooms with doors, windows and flooring, but also provided showers and toilets for teachers and electrification for their accommodation. The local community also contributed materials such as bricks, river sand, pit sand and quarry stones. The community also sourced the paint and painted the classroom block to keep costs down.

Meeting Needs trustee Dave Dodgeon is pictured with schoolchildren with the plaque behind them.